Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Blog for 2009.

Well folks, while Lane is scratching his head looking for my original Ruby Tuesday Thinkings posting, thought I'd put this up to summarize as much as I could, the original posting (which I was going to copy over to my Blog but somebody got a stinky fin...err....itchy delete finger before I could copy it.

Inauguration Day: No I did not watch it, I just got the quick 1 minute version as during the ceremony, I was out on a fitness hike thru the California desert mountains. We're spending some time at a shopping center in Rancho Cucomonga B4 heading towards Edwards. My candidate (Mitt Romney) didn't get in so I could care less about the 170M party the Democrats threw for the Obamessiah Coronation. Instead I've decided to set my sights to the future, namely 2012 and the hope that a Sarah Palin/Michael Steele (B-Greg knows Mr. Steele rather well I think) would bring back to this now-bankrupt government.
And that's all the political commentary I have here.

Much happier, taking my family ice skating (for the first time ever) over the Christmas holidays. I was quite a scene all of us getting used to the ice skates. Since I have a roller skating background (from my teenage days), I managed to master the ice skates rather quickly and helped my girls do the same as you can see.

Christmas2008_HankSkate3_4x6.jpg picture by hanktank88
Oh well, I'm not quite Brian Boitano but hey.

Christmas2008_HankGigiSkate_5x7.jpg Me and Gigi cutting the ice picture by hanktank88

All the Christmas lights, the ice rink in downtown Cocoa and family members (including some family from St. Petersburg joining us) made for a real nice Christmas evening.

Also a couple days later, the lovely lady of the house and I went to see the Lippizaner Stallions show as their annual tour stopped in Orlando. Kyrsten had been wanting to see this show for a long time but never did until this Christmas season.
At the arena before the show.


More coming as I think of it but for now, time to rest up for Edwards.